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How Is the Public Sector Using Big Data?

Tuesday, December 20, 2016 | 12:00 AM

Big data is important in the corporate world. 它使企业能够进行预测,分析业务运营并做出基于数据的决策.

Big data in government, however, is a relatively new concept. 政府机构和非营利组织现在正在意识到大数据的好处,并学习如何利用它. The following are a few ways the public sector is using big data.

Saving Money

由于公共部门依赖于公共资金,节省资金总是很重要的. Compiling and analyzing big data offers governments a way to do this. For example, 政府可以利用大数据跟踪规模较小的公共部门实体的财政支出. 然后,他们可以审计这些支出,以确定需要减少或改进的领域.

Fraud prevention provides government entities another way to save money. For example, 美国社会保障局(SSA)可以使用大数据来监控残疾索赔. 通过分析该数据集,SSA可以发现不一致之处并对流程进行标准化. 其他组织,如联邦住房管理局(FHA)正在寻找在预测中使用大数据的方法, which allows the administration to predict future rates.



因为政府实体和其他公共部门组织代表了社会, 在公共部门开始使用大数据之前,透明度(这对社区参与至关重要)很难实现. When government agencies release data on spending, operations and program performance, they enable communities to become more involved. 这促进了透明度,可以建立信任并鼓励公民参与.

Improved Decision-Making

Another benefit of big data in government is improved decision-making. 收集和分析数据使政府官员能够看到决策过程中的模式和不一致之处. They can then implement procedures to improve efficiency.

Health and Wellness

保持社区健康是公共部门的主要责任之一. 在大数据时代之前,收集信息是一件耗时又繁琐的事情. 现在,美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)依靠大数据来预测食源性疾病或受污染产品的传播路径. 这将导致更有效的召回,从而防止更多的消费者生病.

In the health and wellness realm, big data is bringing organizations, the government, academia and other entities together to make better, more-informed decisions, 这既节省了公共部门的时间和金钱,又改善了社区成员的生活.

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