Health Science Nutrition Certificate

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本课程探讨正常细胞和组织功能发生变化的现象,以及由衰老和各种疾病过程引起的相关生理过程. 重点解释实验室值和营养对各种疾病状态的影响将包括在内.

Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3

本课程解释营养在生命周期中的作用,包括怀孕和哺乳, infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and aging adults. 研究生命周期各时期的营养需求及其生理基础, assessment of nutritional status, 决定这些年龄组食物摄入模式的因素, and consequences of malnutrition will be discussed.

Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3

本课程着重于知识和技能的发展,使学习者能够建立和实施有效的体重管理计划. 将涵盖肥胖管理和预防合并症等主题吗, client assessment, dietary intervention, physical activity, and motivational interviewing and behavior change.

Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3

本课程将概述补充和替代医学,以及如何将其与营养相结合. 该课程将涵盖包括替代医学在内的主题, 营养补充剂和其他非传统的治疗方式,因为它们与营养有关.

Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3

本课程将回顾有关糖尿病管理的实用信息, education theories, pathophysiology, and critical process to patient education. Upon completion of the course, 学习者将能够提供与糖尿病相关的医疗营养治疗,并准备参加注册糖尿病教育者(CDE)认证,等待完成其余要求.

Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3

This course provides an overview of the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders, including anorexia, nervosa, bulimia nervosa, 暴食症和其他不常见的疾病. 治疗被认为是基于团队的方法,包括心理治疗, cognitive and physiological processes.

Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3

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