
This 管理人员新兴技术证书 addresses blockchain, 人工智能, 和机器人. Learners who have completed this suite of courses are knowledgeable in how each technology affects business processes and how each contributes to a discussion about the future of labor. 在当前的商业环境中, managers and leaders should have a baseline understanding of these emerging technologies.

Certificate holders are informed about cryptocurrencies and how blockchain is restoring trust and security in Internet transactions. Learners examine how 人工智能 is leading to gains in efficiency and performance, along with concepts and metrics for management to consider when evaluating an investment in robotics.

Each of these self-paced courses offer an assortment of interactive exercises, 选择阅读, and self-assessments that will engage you and help you practice effective business communication.

成功完成本证书课程的所有课程, 你可下载及列印结业证书.


This course is designed for adult learners interested in Emerging Technology for Managers.

注意: PEWD项目的参与者必须年满18岁.


  • ★专家支持
  • ★访问
  • ★游戏 & 抽认卡
  • ★真实案例研究
  • ★移动
  • ★徽章和授信
  • ★视频内容
  • ★内置音频功能

本课程有一个“问专家”的功能, which submits your questions directly to an expert in the field you are studying. Questions are answered as quickly as possible and usually within 24 hours.

Learners must achieve an average test score of at least 70% to meet the minimum successful completion requirement and qualify to receive IACET CEU credit. 学习者将有三次尝试所有分级评估.


This course introduces learners to basic 人工智能 concepts and trends. Artificial Intelligence plays an increasingly important role in many industries. The emergence of this new technology promises to bring unprecedented efficiencies for organizations and enhance business performance. 在当今的全球经济中, managers will need to know how AI can be leveraged to keep their organizations competitive, as well as understand the potential ethical issues associated with employing AI technologies such as deep learning, 机器学习, 以及各种人工智能识别技术.

• Propose ways in which an AI can be designed to not cause harm to humans
• Critique the use of AI in information security and the potential use of AI in attacks

Blockchain is on the forefront of emerging technologies and is the foundation of modern cryptocurrencies. 如果你是一名经理,对区块链这个概念知之甚少, this course will help you build an understanding of the concepts and how the technology might apply to your business. This course is an introduction to blockchain as an underlying technology for cryptocurrencies and other applications. 这些作业深入研究了区块链的关键部分, 比如共识机制和密码学. 他们还研究了区块链对医疗保健等垂直行业的影响, Fintech, 和政府, 还有民主, 治理, 以及社会影响.

• Describe the critical nature of consensus mechanisms for blockchains
•争论区块链是一项新兴技术, from its start with cryptocurrencies to its evolution into smart contracts
• Outline the basic parts of Blockchain Network Architecture and the concept of eliminating central authorities in money and equity transactions
• Discuss the various blockchain applications and what issues they are meant to solve
•描述区块链如何影响金融科技等行业, 医疗保健, 政府与供应链
• Discuss blockchain and its role in democracy, 治理 以及社会影响

This course will introduce many of the concepts and metrics for management to consider when evaluating whether an investment in robotics is the right decision for the operation. The course begins by defining automation types and processes before exploring the business functions involved in making the decision to execute an automation enhancement. 除了深入探讨实际问题, this course also explores the strategic and ethical issues of replacing human workers with robots.

• Identify the differences among automation, robotic process automation, 和机器人
• Evaluate the differing business factors involved in adopting robotics
• Utilize the different methods for identifying uses for robots by their workspace, 自治, 和运动
• Assess how the field of robotics is influencing major industries today and tomorrow
• Identify the skill sets and other human resource issues that businesses will encounter as they adopt robotics
• Connect the business drivers for utilizing robotics with real-world ethical issues and strategies


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$ 199 

需要住宿的学生请金沙中国的办公室 pewd@sportslivecast.net 来了解这个过程.

