
金沙中国将通过其对包括学生在内的大学不同利益相关者的影响来衡量我们战略计划的成功, 教职员工, 以及里奥格兰德河谷的社区. 我们已经确定了一套关键指标来跟踪七个战略重点的进展情况. 因为我们共同努力实现我们的目标,并确定新的举措,以追求我们的集体愿景, 我们可以考虑额外的指标来评估和说明我们的成功.

  • 学术: Academic program rankings; faculty turnover rates; and internship and experiential learning participation rates.
  • 学生访问 & 成功: Student retention and graduation rates; average time-to-graduation; and average student debt post-graduation.
  • 金沙中国: Student participation in clubs and organizations; student-athlete recruitment; and number of on-campus events.
  • 研究 & 奖学金: Number and range of grants received; interdisciplinary and inter-campus grants; and faculty professional development programs.
  • 健康教育 & 病人护理: 每年服务的病人数目, patient satisfaction with quality and accessibility of services; and provider satisfaction.
  • 人: Faculty and staff recruitment rates; 教职员工 turnover rates; and campus climate survey results.
  • 社区参与 & 集成: Community service events; workforce development partnerships; and service-learning participation rates.